Wednesday, March 14, 2007

'nother milonga, travel plans

We went to another milonga last night. We didn't have change for a cab ride home (the cabbies don't like large notes) so we bought a bottle of wine and got a little drunk. As a result I forgot to use the image stabilization feature and most of the pictures didn't come out...d'oh. Here are the ones that were more or less ok:
I'm such a dork:

Free hot dogs in salsa and potato salad with the wine!

Dancing, Ben and Kae are drunk at this point.

We also went to a travel agency and made some travel plans: tomorrow we are flying to Iguazu falls for 2 nights, then next week we are going to an estancia, or contry estate resort;, for an overnight trip. Here is their web site:

1 comment:

Jen/Mom said...

Guess that wine went down pretty easily. They always gave little snacks with wine in Spain, too, and it always made me want to drink even more. Which I often did.